Sailing Idioms
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Jumping ship-------------Leave a group or company abruptly. Ex. Many employees jumped ship.
Rats leaving a sinking ship---people leaving a troubled situation. Ex. Top managers quit like rats leaving a sinking ship.
Take the Helm------take charge of something EX. We need a strong leader to take the helm.
Tight ship------ efficient ship. Tony runs a tight ship. EX. No wonder they don't miss a deadline.
On board------in agreement Part of the group. In agreement. EX We need to get everyone on board
Hand on the tiller------ have control of a situation. EX Do you think she really has a hand on the tiller.
Uncharted water------- unknown areas. new areas of business EX. The internet was unchartered water for us.
On the rocks ------- in a dangerous situation. EX. If sales don't improve, the company will be on the rocks
Sink or swim ----- to either fail or succeed. EX. It was a sink or swim situation.
Lost at sea------ Lost with little hope of finding a place. uncertain situation. EX. We are lost at sea with the new boss.
Mutiny-------take control of the ship from the captain. Frustration with management. EX It does no good to mutiny against the professor. The students mutinied against the school's administration.
Ship shape-----Everything in order. EX. Leo keeps the supply room in ship shape.
Captain----- Leader. to lead. EX. We need an effective leader to captain the company.